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Friday, February 26, 2016

The Hunting Ground

In class we recently watched the movie called The Hunting Ground. It's about sexual assault on college campus's. As I watched, it gave me a different look toward colleges. The way they react to the victims of sexual assault is crazy. It's as if the schools try and blame it on person who has been raped. In the movie a UNC's administrator said to a victim, "Rape is like a football game. If you look back on the game, what would you do differently?" The thing that surprised me most was they were all big and most of them were ivy league schools. For example, UNC, Occidental, Swarthmore, Harvard, Amherst College, Notre Dame, University of Tulsa and more. Another thing that shocked me was the way the movie talked about fraternities and athletes, especially Sigma Alpha Epsilon, which in the movie they said they are known as being called sexual assault expected. I think Andrea Pino and Annie Clark are going to end up doing helpful things with their Title IX complaint.
Moira Macdonald from The Seattle Times wrote a review titled "Hunting Ground' tackles harrowing topic of campus rape". Her review was very well said, explaining how the film was "important but devastating." She also agrees that colleges are "turning a blind eye to reports of sexual assault by athletes, in order to protect the team’s winning record" which after watching the movie I hope anyone would. Macdonald says, "But, within the ire and the pain, there’s hope." and  I agree with her.
Thomas Lee has a different opinion. He wrote an article called "Review: 'The Hunting Ground’ squanders its powerful story." He says the movie is "Worthy stuff, but again, way too much." I'd have to disagree. I thought it could have had more because I wanted to keep watching. He also says "He devotes precious minutes at the start of the movie to an overly long sequence of students reacting with joy to college acceptance offers." He thought that wasted time, but I thought it was a great way to open up because it shows how excited people really are to get accepted to college and than everything can just get crushed so fast.

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